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Sales Playbook

What is a Sales Playbook?

A Sales Playbook concisely describes what the sales person should do or say in different situations that they might encounter. It captures best practises, to enable everyone in the team to deliver optimal sales performance when selling a specific product or service. As a resource, it will be leveraged to recall best practise in real-time and is especially helpful for new sales people or for those individuals who are not overly familiar with a product or service. It should be used to support the sales team but not substitute sales training.

Why create a Sales Playbook?

By following a clear and concise set of guidelines, a Sales Playbook will assist your sales and marketing team with a valuable step by step guide to ensure they deliver maximum sales by making the most of every sales opportunity. They are created to share and consistently leverage best sales practise.

Another key benefit of a Sales Playbook is to engage both the sales and marketing teams in a process driven review of sales material, target audiences and where the best opportunities lie, product or service descriptions, key benefits, objection handling, what to listen for and say, how to deliver a pitch ‘presentations’, as well as how to close or progress to the next stage in the sales cycle.

The playbook will not only provide a concise report of best practices, it will also help to ensure new people to the role don’t learn from others who may be making mistakes when pitching to prospective clients.

What Type of Sales Playbook should I have?

Although all good Sales Playbooks have common themes and elements, an effective Playbook will be tailored not only to your organisation, but it may be tailored to a specific product or service. A client decision to invest £500 will be very different to a client investing £500,000, therefore the Sales Playbook for these two offerings will not be the same. If you’re interested in creating a Sales Playbook, Salesworxs can share examples of Playbooks that are relevant to your target audience and the product or services your sell.

An effective Sales Playbook

It is important to modify and periodically update the Sales Playbook to ensure it is still relevant, and that new suggestions have been carefully considered and compared to existing content. By monitoring its success, you can understand what works and what does not to deliver maximum sales results. The very best Playbooks make it easy for the sales people to quickly identify the relevant information for each situation, they are also thorough but concise. Salesworxs do this by blending the art and science of effective visuals, think visual communications not headers and bullet points.

What Next?

All engagements start with a conversation. Get in touch today to see examples of other Sales Playbooks and learn how your organisation could leverage our methodology and experience in creating winning Playbooks.



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